Thursday, September 25, 2008

Brushing Your Teeth Can Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Health Tip
A study shows that adding a little cinnamon to the diet can help to lower the blood sugar of diabetics and others with blood sugar problems.

Brushing does more than just protecting your teeth from cavity. It can also cut the risk of a heart disease, says a new study.
Previous studies showed a link between gum disease and an increased likelihood of suffering from heart disease or a stroke. But, Scientists were not able to explain the connection.
Now, an international team has found that the body's own defences could over react to the threat of gum disease and destroy its own protective calls, which leads to a build up of arteries called atheroscierosis, a cause of heart attaks.
This (study) is a significant step towards a more complete understanding of heart disease and improving treatment and preventive therapies.
"An understanding of all the possible risk factors could help lower the risk of developing heart disease and lead to a significant change in disease burden," lead researcher Greg Seymour was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as saying.
Even dentists recommend regular brushing and flossing as the main ways to prevent gum disease, caused when plague builds up because the teeth are not cleaned properly and the most common reason behind tooth loss in adults.
The findings of the study have been presented at the Society for General Micrbiology's Autumn meeting at Trinity College in Dublin.

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